One of the biggest challenges facing local publishers and media houses is the ability to keep up with the market’s demand for highly personalised and real-time communication. This coupled with the fact that many South Africans are mobile first and even mobile only internet users, makes it a necessity for publishers to embrace mobile in some form or another.
The good news is that media players who are invested in mobile will have the capability to reshape how they present news content to their readers. This makes sense considering that more and more consumers are embracing mobile sites and apps as a convenient way to read news headlines. Gone are the days when individuals sit down for an extended period of time to read a publication from start to finish. Instead the opposite is true. The fast paced reality that we find ourselves in, demands flexibility and access to rich, high value and easily searchable content across various platforms.
The full article has been featured in the March edition of the Media Magazine. Download the full article below.